Clearance and Forms
Athletics Clearance Form
Athletics Clearance Form
Do I have to have an email address to complete the clearance process?
Yes. You will need an email address to log in to the system.
Can I complete the online clearance process without a parent/guardian?
No! This process requires the athlete and parent/guardian to complete online signatures verify they have each read the information provided.
Do I have to complete a new clearance for each sport I want to play?
Yes. The system will maintain your information, making it easier to complete future clearances.
How will a coach know if !am cleared to participate?
During the online registration process you will be directed to print out a Confirmation/Consent form that requires a parent and athlete signature. This signed form must be given to the coach on the day of tryouts. An email will be sent by Athletic Clearance to the provided email address once the athlete is cleared.
If l am unable to obtain a physical until after tryouts will I still be allowed to participate in a late tryout?
Most sports have a one day tryout that would not allow athletes to tryout at a later date. In extenuating circumstances a coach may allow an athlete to tryout past the scheduled tryout date. This would have to be approved through the coach PRIOR to the team tryout date.
Are there other options for physicals besides my own doctor?
Sports physicals may be obtained through Urgent Care facilities. Alpine Urgent Care gives walk-in Sports Physicals as does the East County Urgent Care.
Do I have to donate any money to clear for the sport?
No, the system being used for clearance has the ability to collect donations. We are currently not using this function at LCHS. All fundraising will be done through the teams.